Thursday, 21 February 2019

New year, new us

New year, new team, new online presence...

It can't have escaped regular readers of this blog that we have had a bit of a facelift; a little nip here, a small tuck there, and we're refreshed and renewed...! The reason for this spring clean is that there's been a spot of reshuffle at the University of Sheffield and we have a brand new, expanded team working in the exciting arena of Digital Learning.

The team that was once Technology Enhanced Learning have merged with the team who were once Online Learning and have become the Digital Learning Team. You can read about the new infrastructure and team members at the Digital Learning page on the University's website.

This means that this blog will continue to give an insight into practices and work of the team as you once knew it, but that our remit has also expanded to include massive open online courses, distance learning and our forays into online degrees, online programmes and micro-credentialling.

It's a brave new world out there, and we're excited to begin exploring.

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