Thursday, 7 November 2013

Learner analytics

A report from the ELESIG Symposium on learner analytics - University of Liverpool

HE institutions have large data repositories, but don't make much use of them.
Learner analytics is an emerging field, based on querying and interpretation the data from learning, teaching and assessment activities.

Assessment Analytics - Dr Cath Ellis, Director of Learning and Teaching, University of Huddersfield

What could we use assessment analytics for?
- informed decision-making
- reporting purposes e.g. quality assurance

Currently we routinely capture standard assessment data e.g. module results, degree classification.
E-assessment allows more granularity and opportunity for analysis. For example, using Turnitin and adding quick marks for a standard set of criteria, the data can be harvested and analysed.

Learning analytics in practice - Prof Luke Dawson, Dental School, University of Liverpool

An example from the University of Liverpool School of Dentistry - LIFTUPP, Longitudinal Integrative Foundation Training Undergraduate to Postgraduate Pathway.

Staff use an iPad (or web interface technology) to access LIFTUPP to assess and capture, in real-time, the performance of a student as they undertake clinical work or other aspects of their studies.  This information is uploaded into, and triangulated with, data in a master database which holds academic information including exam results, attendance data and general student registration information.  The whole database is mapped to learning outcomes identified by the General Dental Council along with Higher Education Academy Employability Profiles and Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) requirements.

“The tool allows the students to take responsibility for their own learning and development.  Students can see their own personal developmental profile and produce action plans based on the feedback and guidance provided by all staff following continuous assessments of the student performance and skills. LIFTUPP monitors students’ performance over the whole period of study and covers both academic and clinical areas which means that areas of underperformance can be identified early through unprecedented levels of  assessment integration.”

Tracking development with new dental app

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