Wednesday, 18 September 2013


So on the day that FutureLearn is launching it seems apt to reflect back and highlight the launch of the Special Interest Group (SIG) on MOOCs at ALT-C 2013 the week before.

As you know, the Officers are as follows:
Chair:  Fiona Harvey, University of Southampton
Secretary: Steve Ryan, LSE (Emeritus)
Officer: Mira Vogel (UCL)

Committee members are:
David Smith, Charles Sturt University (Australia)
Helen Whitehead, University of Nottingham
Steve Bell, Leeds University Business School
Adam Warren, University of Southampton
Mark Morley, The University of Sheffield
Graham R Gibbs, University of Huddersfield
James Little, University of Leeds
Sean McCready, NCG (Newcastle College Group)
Stephen Wileman, South Staffordshire College

Those present at ALT-C for the actual launch were Fiona, Mira, and James; you can view the Prezi used.

There was much interest at the launch. A number of communication mechanisms have been set up to inform and involve the community more widely, including:

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