Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Sheffield Graduate media course starts this week!

This Thursday sees the start of a six week Media Production course for students, devised and led by the CiCS Creative Media Team. It is being run as part of the Sheffield Graduate, a University award scheme that gives graduates extra skills and experience outside their academic work.

The course will be led by Charlotte Watts, a student intern at the Information Commons who is working with us on Creative Media, and it will feature materials produced by, and teaching from, Chris Clow, Tom Foster and myself.

The sessions will be:

  • An introduction and overview of the course.
  • Audio production.
  • Audio editing.
  • Video production.
  • Video editing.
  • Legal issues.
  • Delivery of media.

Students will be making video and audio materials about randomly assigned University buildings, using our media equipment and facilities in the Information Commons. We have set up a Google Site where students will be completing a blog entry and embedding their media (via YouTube and Soundcloud). The site can be found here (note it can only be viewed using a University of Sheffield account).

By the end of the course students should have skills in video and audio production, postproduction, uploading materials to the Internet, and a knowledge of good practice, both technically and legally.

We had places for up to forty students and we were staggered by the response we got - we had a complete subscription, plus reserves, within three hours of the course being announced! We will keep you up to date with how the course is going.

Although we've covered all these topics in previous workshops, this is the first time we've brought it all together into a full course, and we're excited about starting it and finding out what the reaction will be from the students.


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