Monday, 21 May 2012

Interesting stats (?) and an office move

(L-R) Ian Mumby and Khalid Rahmatullah
Learning Technologies Support Desk
Life on the Frontline with the Learning Technologies Support Desk...

I keep stats regarding the volumes and the nature of the enquiries we handle here on the helpdesk.
(I need to get out more!)

I have been doing this for two years now. Looking back and comparing the two years, month by month, I find it interesting (did I mention I need to get out more?) that the numbers of enquiries have mostly matched each other.

The chart below shows the enquiries received from September 2010 to last month. This year's figures are in blue.

You can see that mostly the monthly totals mirror each other. The only significant difference was in February when this year we had 679 enquiries compared to 364 the year before. This can be attributed to the fact that this year in the Spring Semester we had extra calls relating to our new VLE which wasn't in existence the year before.

Total Enquiries

I have mentioned before that the biggest percentage of enquiries we receive on the helpdesk is from students and staff requiring access to their relevant VLE courses.

The volumes of these types of calls also seem to match per month year on year. 

Enquires re access to VLE courses


No doubt the statisticians out there will say there is a perfectly reasonable explanation for this and it's all relative and nothing unusual, why is he drawing attention to this?

The answer is I find it interesting - I need to (you know the rest)

Office Move

So we moved into a different building last weekend.
I duly informed all and sundry at the university by various methods of internal communication that from noon last Friday until noon on Monday, the helpdesk would be unavailable to allow us to pack everything away, uninstall the IT stuff etc. etc. and then do all that in reverse in the new place on Monday morning.

Surprise, surprise we were still being contacted throughout this 'closed' period.  I spoke to one chap on the phone and explained I would have to get back to him later as we weren't actually able to access anything currently because we were in the middle of moving offices and in a state of organised chaos as had been widely advertised.  "Yeah I know that" he said. "I just thought I'd try you anyway".

Cheers fella! - well at least we know we are needed!!

Ian Mumby
Leaning Technologies Support Coordinator

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