Celebrating half a million joiners with the inaugural Open Online Learning Awards - Digital Learning

Thursday, 9 March 2017

Celebrating half a million joiners with the inaugural Open Online Learning Awards

The inaugural Open Online Learning Awards took place last week which was an excellent opportunity to gather colleagues together to drink wine, show off some success stories and hand out some awards.

The night was introduced by Vice President for Education, Professor Wyn Morgan, who spoke about the importance of digital and online learning to the University. The event was hosted by Professor Marie Kinsey who brought the attendees up to date with our achievements thus far and Dr Chris Stokes and Dr Claire Beecroft presented on their personal experiences running Discover Dentistry and Health Technology Assessment respectively.

We also celebrated recently signing up our 500,000th FutureLearner to one of our open courses, which is a statistic we are immensely proud of and shows how effective digital learning is to engaging learners all over the world.

Production manager Dave Holloway also spoke about how much the online team enjoy their jobs and proceeded to hand out some Open Online Learning Awards to the academics, staff members and course teams who we have worked with over the nearly four years of the project.

The awards were a mixture of success stories for academics or departments and reflections from the Online Learning Team. They were intended to represent the diverse nature of the courses and how achievement can be measured in a large number of ways; from quantitative data to personal development in learners and academics.
Pamela Hafekost and Judith Greenall accept the award for Most Popular Single Course Run on behalf of the Careers Service. Pamela Hafekost and Judith Greenall accept the award for Most Popular Single Course Run on behalf of the Careers Service.

A full list of the nominees and winners:

Most Popular Single Course run
Crime, Justice and Society
How to Succeed at: Interviews (24,396 joiners)
How to Succeed at: Writing Applications
How to Write Your First Song

Most Comments
Exploring Play (69,264 comments)
How to Succeed at: Interviews
How to Succeed at: Writing Applications
Literature of the English Country House

Most Active Learners
Exploring Play
How to Write Your First Song
Literature of the English Country House
The Musculoskeletal System

Most Statements Purchased
Discover Dentistry
Exploring Play
Making Sense of Data in the Media
Measuring and Valuing Health

Innovation Award
Dr. Chris Stokes
Dr. Katherine Linehan
The Careers Service
The School of Health and Related Research

Team Effort
The School of English
The School of Law (for an epic 5hr location shoot)
Sheffield Robotics

One Take Wonder Award
Adam White (How to Write Your First Song)
Dr. Amanda Crawley-Jackson (Achieve More)
Dr. Katherine Stevens (Measuring and Valuing Health)
Prof. Maggie Wykes (Crime, Justice and Society)

Best Walking and Talking
Dr. Amber Regis (Literature of the English Country House)
Dr. Chris Stokes (Discover Dentistry)
Dr. Katherine Stevens (Measuring and Valuing Health)
Dr. Matthew Bacon (Crime, Justice and Society)
Dr Matthew Bacon and Professor Claire McGourlay with the two awards won by the School of Law Dr Matthew Bacon with the two awards won by the School of Law

Best Day Out
Cesare Lombroso Museum, Turin (Crime Justice and Society)
Chatsworth House shoot (Literature of the English Country House)
Pig Farm Studios shoot (How to Write Your First Song)
Robotic Prostate Operation (Building a Future With Robots)

Most Controversial Style Choice
Dr. Adam James Smith (unbuttoned shirt, Literature of the English Country House)
Dr Mark Taylor (tongue piercing, Making Sense of Data in the Media)
Dr. Matthew Bacon (flowery shirt, Crime Justice and Society)

Funniest Moment
Amber Regis’ funniest moment award card Amber Regis’ funniest moment award card

Lifetime Achievement
Prof. Marie Kinsey (Co-director of Digital, University of Sheffield)

Secret Heroes
Kieran Bentley (animator, Online Learning Team)
Karen Cohen (Projects and Development Assistant, University of Sheffield)

Many thanks to all who attended and spoke at the event. Congratulations to all our nominees and winners.

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