Thursday, 7 December 2017

Changes to MOLE Assignment Tool

NOTE: If you are providing marking and feedback using the MOLE assignment tool around the date of the upgrade (Saturday 16th December), please be aware of the below changes as the switchover could cause inconsistency in functionality and cause any feedback prior to upgrade to be permanently attached to the document.

Currently the MOLE assignment tool works in conjunction with a tool provider called Crocodoc. It works by embedding the crocodoc tool within MOLE.
The tool provides a document viewer (see below), showing the work student has submitted when accessing it in the grade centre, allowing it to be read online. It also allows you to annotate the document to give the feedback on the student's work.
The crocodoc tool is being discontinued in January so as part of the December upgrade (Taking place on Saturday 16th December) we will be moving to the new Box View. Box is the company that has acquired the crocodoc tool and will be the provider for Blackboard (MOLE). This date is something we cannot control as the tool will expire in early January.
This will bring about a few changes to the online feedback tool, these are:

The tools that surround the document viewer i.e the right hand panel (in green on the above image) will not change.

More of the functionality changes can be seen in the below presentation:

The main functionality changes are:
  • Range of file types that can be submitted and displayed has increased
  • Less annotation options available
  • Print functionality added
  • No longer able to download with annotations
Once we move over to the Box View, you will still be able to access the documents and feedback but the feedback will be ‘burnt in’ to the document i.e. it will no longer be editable or deletable.

The new Box View grading functionality is due to be added to the Blackboard Instructor App in early 2018.
More information on the changes can be found on the Blackboard website.