If you have used Google Forms recently you will notice a couple of new features have arrived.
The first one is the ability for people completing the form to be able to attach a file using the new File Upload option. Simply select this as a question type to allow people completing the form to upload a file.
In the tool you can limit the size of the file uploaded (the highest is 10GB) and limit to particular file types if you want to. The person completing the form will see a prompt to add a file.
To access the collected files, go to Google Drive and you will see a folder created, named “name of form” (file responses). Each file upload question has its own subfolder and inside is the files, which handily collects the name of the person completing the form in the file title. You can then share the folder with anybody that needs access.
The second feature which has arrived is around Google form questions and offering suggestions on the answer. For example if you start a question “What day of the week…” forms will bring up answer suggestions for the days of the week and give you the option to add these in. If you ask a particular question it will try and anticipate which answer type you will need. E.g. If you start a question “On a scale…” it will change the question type to linear scale.
See a couple of examples of this below.
Days of the week prepopulated |
Linear scale answer option automatically selected |